Tuesday 13 October 2015

New Study Indicates Dental Treatment With Anesthesia is Safe During Pregnancy

The Journal of the American Dental Association study showed no evidence that dental treatment with anesthesia causes harm during....read more

These Three Things Stain Your Teeth


Enjoying your morning cup of coffee may help you get going for the day, but it may also be staining your teeth. Because the outer layers of teeth are very porous, many of the things we enjoy can leave unsightly stains on our teeth. Read on to discover three things that stain your teeth.


That cup of Joe, especially darker roasts, can leave stains on the outside of your teeth where they are most permeable. You can try drinking lighter roasts, or add some milk or creamer to help dilute black coffee and its stain-causing power.


Tea can also stain teeth due to the tannins it contains. Just like coffee, the darker the tea, the more likely to stain. Try drinking lighter-colored tea options, or consume herbal teas, which are less likely to cause stains.


Enjoying a nice glass of wine with your dinner can be a special treat, but it isn’t a treat for your teeth. The acidic enzymes in wine can cause stains and also wear away the enamel on your teeth. Try swishing with water after each sip of wine to help avoid stains.

You can keep a toothbrush in your purse or at your desk and clean your teeth each time you eat or drink something that may stain your teeth. You can also visit this website to learn more about items that stain your teeth, and to find out how to get those stains removed by a family dentist in Santa Cruz today.

Brighten Your Smile

Whitening your teeth can be a simple and non-surgical way to improve the appearance of your smile, boost your confidence, and put you on the path to feeling and looking younger.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

5 Reasons for Dental Veneers

If you are dissatisfied with your smile, veneers offer a simpler and less expensive alternative to caps and crowns. Also called porcelain veneers or laminates, a veneer is an ultrathin shell of tooth-toned composite fabricated to cover the front of a tooth. The shells are then bonded onto prepared teeth.

Veneers are available in porcelain or resin composite. Porcelain veneers are more stain resistant and reflect light like natural teeth. A technician must make all porcelain veneers in a dental lab.
On the other hand, resin veneers can be done in the dentist’s office. Also, being thinner, they require less of the tooth surface to be removed prior to bonding, so weaken the tooth structure less. Here are five reasons why many choose dental veneers.

Often discolored teeth result from root canal treatment, drug side effects, too much fluoride in drinking water, smoking, excessive coffee drinking or discolored resin fillings. Trauma to the teeth from thrown objects or blows can also lead to discoloration. Veneers in this situation are a first rate substitute for caps and crowns, which are far more expensive.

Worn down teeth result from grinding, the most common cause for wear. Stress lies behind this nighttime activity, though some work at it 24-7. Misaligned teeth or problems with the sleep cycle can also be causes among adults. Diet or genetic disposition too can contribute to this wearing compulsion. Here a veneer can be used to build up damaged teeth.

Chipped or broken teeth are the top-ranking type of dental injury.  An accident can chip a tooth, say a trip and fall, or a fast approaching soccer ball, or can something less violent, like biting into a nutty candy bar. Assuming the innards of the tooth are not damaged—your dentist must help with this—a veneer is the perfect cover up.  Its porcelain masks the entire tooth front while a thicker segment fills the broken area.

Familiar to many families, poorly aligned teeth arrive at their doorstep as the natural misalignment of their children’s teeth. The problem is often handled with orthodontics, but in some cases veneers can be used to close minor gaps. For older people, veneers remain a more realistic path to realignment.

Depending on their location wide spaces between teeth might not be embarrassing. In fact, some celebrities flaunt their upfront gaps. If you are not inclined that way, properly designed veneers can fill these spaces at lower cost than lengthy orthodontic procedures.

Veneers are something less than real teeth, but an economy compared to capping, crowning or dental implants. For more in-depth information from dental veneers in Cary area, visit this website

CEREC 30th Anniversary Celebration to Be Held in Las Vegas

Sirona Dental is celebrating the 30th anniversary of its CEREC CAD/CAM system with a 3-day educational extravaganza taking…read more

How to Decide Which Dental Veneers Are Right for You

If you want to improve the look of your smile, one cosmetic dentistry procedure you can get is dental veneers. They are custom-fitted, thin layers of porcelain or composite resin placed over and bonded to the front surface of your teeth to enhance their color, shape, and position. Determining which kind of veneers is right for you depends on the following factors:

  • The state of your teeth. Thin veneers are appealing because they require less or no removal of enamel, which leads to less sensitivity to heat and cold. However, they are best for those with mild discoloration and crookedness. If your smile needs a greater makeover, traditional veneers are better for you.

  • The resulting appearance and side effects. Resin veneers usually require less preparation. However, porcelain is better at resisting stains and reflecting light as natural teeth do. It is also very durable. It is still susceptible to chipping, though, and is not reparable if damaged. Thin veneers, whether resin or porcelain, that don’t need much enamel removed beforehand may make your teeth look bigger and over contoured.

  • Price and time. Porcelain is more expensive than composite resin because it requires more time, expertise, and resources in making the veneers. It also takes at least two visits, besides the initial consultation, to complete the procedure.

The best way to find the right type for you is to consult an experienced cosmetic dentist. To find one who can talk to you about getting dental veneers in Cary, North Carolina, visit this website.

Dental Exams 101

With just a few easy practices, you can help make your dental exam all the more smooth, comfortable and effective.

5 Tips to Avoid Tooth Cavities

Tooth cavities are one of the most common dental problems. The good news is they are avoidable. Here are five things you can do to prevent cavities from forming.

 1.  Brush and floss daily. What matters more than the type or brand of toothbrush, toothpaste, or floss you buy is using them correctly or they won’t keep your teeth clean? Review with your dentist the proper way to brush and floss.

2.  Rinse your mouth. After eating and drinking, especially sugary substances, drink water to wash down remaining particles. Doesn’t brush immediately or the particles could act as abrasives? If you are high risk for cavities, you may need to use fluoridated mouth wash, too.

3.  Eat healthy food. Avoid sweets and foods that easily get stuck in your teeth, such as most snacks. Eat fruits and vegetables low in acid and get your daily dose of calcium and vitamin D to strengthen your teeth.

4.  Visit your dentist regularly. Don’t skip dental appointments, or it will cost you in the long run to suffer from and fix oral problems. Consult your dentist to find out how often you should visit. It could be as infrequent as annually if you’re low risk.

5.  Try dental treatments. One procedure you can get is sealants. They are protective coatings placed on your back teeth to seal off the nooks and crannies that trap food and to protect enamel from acid and plaque. Other options are fluoride or antibacterial treatments.

Taking care of your teeth significantly lowers cavity risk. If you already have them or are high risk, seeing a dentist becomes even more important. To learn more about dental crowns in Chapel Hill, visit this website.

Monday 5 October 2015

America's ToothFairy and Septodont Sealant Initiative to Save 3 Million Children’s Teeth

The ToothFairy is flying a little higher today thanks to a generous cause marketing commitment from international dental....read more

3 Ways Invisalign Closes Gaps in Teeth


Do you have gaps in your teeth? You may be wondering about what procedures there are that can help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Invisalign is an easy and effective way to close gaps in your teeth without having the costs and inconveniences of braces. Here are 3 reasons why:

1. Slight Adjustments

When you decide to go with Invisalign, you will wear different aligners through your treatment, which are designed to help your teeth gradually shift. Once you have fully adjusted to your current aligners, you will begin wearing a new set that have been slightly adjusted to continue the process of movement.

2. Timed Force

Invisalign moves your teeth through applied force. However, it also determines which ones move during each stage, making it more effective. If you only have a couple teeth that need to be adjusted, Invisalign can be made to fix those ones while the rest stay put.

3. Correct Use

The more frequently you wear your aligners, the quicker your teeth will move to where you want them to be. Typically, these should be worn the majority of the day, but can be removed when eating and taking care of oral hygiene.

If you have gaps in your smile that you want to eliminate, consider using Invisalign. This easy and effective treatment will give you the teeth you deserve while eliminating the need for braces. To learn more about Invisalign braces in Raleigh, please visit this website.

AACD Dentists Offer Advice to Project a Youthful Appearance

Does work or personal stress make you look older than your real age? An AACD study says smiling can help you appear younger, but cosmetic dentists…..read more

What’s the Difference between Full and Partial Dentures?


Dentures are replacement teeth for people who have lost some or all of their natural ones. They enhance appearance and improve the ability to eat and speak. The two types they come in are full and partial.

Full Dentures

Full, or complete, dentures are meant for people who have no remaining teeth. The conventional style is placed in the mouth after the gum tissue has had time to heal from tooth removal, usually eight to twelve weeks. The immediate style is made in advance and can be put in right away so the wearer has the convenience of teeth during the healing period. However, gums and bones shrink during this time, so immediate dentures need to be adjusted frequently to ensure proper fit. They are usually used as a temporary solution.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are for people who have some natural teeth left. For the removable style, replacement teeth are attached to a gum-colored plastic base connected to a metal framework to keep the assembly secure in the mouth. The fixed style requires adding crowns to the teeth on each side of the gap to create a bridge for the artificial ones to be attached to. Partial dentures not only fill in empty spaces, but also keep natural teeth from moving around.

Regardless of the kind, dentures may feel awkward at first, but once the mouth has had time to adjust to its new pearly whites, that feeling will go away. The results will be a complete and natural-looking smile. To learn more about dentures and find partial dentures in Cary, visit this website.

Billing Examinations and Consultations

The American Medical Association’s Department of Coding and Nomenclature has over 100 examination and consultation codes (also known as Evaluation and Management, E/M codes) in the Current Procedural Terminology Codebook, which is updated yearly.

3 Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures for Whiter Teeth

Is your smile looking a little yellow or stained? Although you can whiten them from home, having your teeth enhanced cosmetically can be more effective and last for longer. Although it may cost more, these procedures are typically quick and easy and will give you the smile you deserve. Here are 3 ways cosmetic dentistry can help you get white teeth.

1. Teeth Whitening

Having a professional whiten your teeth is a simple method for getting a beautiful smile. They will typically apply a high-concentrated gel to your teeth and let it sit for an hour. Sometimes a heat source will be used to make it more effective.

2. Veneers

Not only can veneers hide cracks, chips and other dental imperfections, but they can also change the color of your teeth. This process involves placing a thin layer of ceramic material onto the tooth using an adhesive. Because porcelain is so durable, veneers can last up to 20 years or more and will not stain.

3. Crowns

If you have one or more teeth that are discolored from the rest, you may want to consider getting a crown. This procedure can also cover other dental imperfections and will usually last a very long time.

Although whitening your teeth at home might seem cheaper and easier, having a cosmetic dentist perform one of these procedures will be more effective, last longer and may even end up saving you money in the long run. To learn about dental services in Chapel Hill, visit this website.